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Secret Address Mail System

When sending mail, the email address serves as a means to identify the sender. Unfortunately, spam has become a significant problem. When your email address is shared with certain individuals or companies, they may start sending unwanted emails. While email can be a convenient communication tool when used properly, not everyone adheres to proper usage. Some individuals persistently send spam emails to harass you and can even congest the system.

In such situations, you might consider banning the specific sender as the best solution. However, what if these individuals keep creating new email accounts that you’re unaware of to continue sending spam? Constantly banning them becomes impractical and time-consuming. Another option you might contemplate is allowing only specific email addresses to communicate with you through your email management portal. While this can be effective, it becomes inconvenient if a person has multiple email accounts, as you would need to add each of their accounts to enable communication, regardless of which account they choose to use.

This project involves a communication tool designed, distinct from an email system. In this tool, when communicating with someone, you need to enter a Mail Code (similar to an email address).

What is Mail Code?

A Mail Code is an address system I have devised for this tool. The Mail Code follows a specific format: XXXXXXX-YYYYYY. X and Y represent random characters (A-Z, a-z, or 0-9). XXXXXXX and YYYYYY denote the public code and private code, respectively, with the dash serving as a separator.

Each account can have only one Public Code but can possess multiple Private Codes. The Public Code serves as a unique identifier for individuals, and hence, you can freely share it with anyone. Conversely, the Private Code functions as a security measure. For instance, if you have multiple correspondents with whom you want to communicate, you can assign them different Private Codes while maintaining the same Public Code. You can envision your account as a physical location, the Public Code as the address, and the Private Code as a door access card. To successfully send a mail, both the Public Code and Private Code must be entered correctly.

However, it is necessary for the person you wish to communicate with to have an account in this system.

How does it prevent spam?

When you receive spam, you can identify the Private Code used to send you the mail. By simply revoking that particular Private Code, the sender will no longer be able to send you spam.


The tool is incredibly user-friendly and seamlessly compatible with both mobile and desktop devices.

Designing this platform require me to the basic programming language(PHP, Javascript, and MySQL), and the development framework(Laravel for backend and VueJS for frontend).

The link for my project:

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